by Jayna Haney | Blended Families, Parenting, Stepfamilies, Stepfamily Life, Stepparenting
The summer goal for stepfamilies and single parents is to enjoy time with their kids. It’s easy to get bogged down in all the things your kids want to do. And you can’t always afford every single activity. So you need to come up with something both memorable and cost...
by Jayna Haney | Stepdads, Stepfamilies, Stepparenting
Integrating the stepparent into the family is one of the most important tasks you will face as a stepfamily. Your ability to do this successfully is about taking some time and not rushing it. If you are willing to take the time, this one area of patience from you will...
by Jayna Haney | Stepparenting
Recently, my husband, Mike, and I had a great time talking with Ron Deal, bestselling author, licensed marriage and family therapist, for his Family Life Blended Podcast. Our episode, “Daily Practices for Happy Stepcouples” offers advice for all kinds of...